Draft Constitution of ISAE

Dear ISAE members! A duly constitution amendment committee submitted the draft revised and updated constitution and reviewed by the ISAE EC and approved on 06/08/2022 which is updated herewith uploaded. You are requested to go through it critically and compare it with the old constitution already on the website under “About ISAE” and give comments and observations, if any for further improvements on or before 21st August 2022 at the following e-mail id

Vice-president ISAE: dmkadam11k@gmail.com
Secretary General: sahoopramod2021@gmail.com

12 thoughts on “Draft Constitution of ISAE”

  1. Excellent Efforts & Nicely Drafted…
    i) Article R1 : Reg. Office :: R1.2 = Line spaced there.
    ii) Annexure – II : PIN for all Chapters’ Addresses & E-mail IDs, if added.
    iii) Annexure – VI : List of Past Presidents , if added.

  2. Dear Seniors
    With all due respect, I have a couple of tiny suggestions for the updated ISAE Constitution.
    ARTICLE B2 – OBJECTIVES – “technologies in agriculture & allied sectors” – As we all know that modernization in AH, Dairy & Fisheries is a result of innovative Engineering interventions.
    B2.7 – Promote Agricultural Engineering Courses at higher secondary School level ( 10+2 ) – Workshops in SCHOOLS to disseminate information on the potential and opportunities in Agricultural Engineering. It will be great if our collective efforts can motivate meritorious students opt for the discipline BY PREFERNECE & CHOICE.
    R15.2.2 Responsibility of Editor-in-Chief (AET) – First point – EMINENT PROFESSIONALS instead of renowned persons will be more appropriate.
    Thankyou. Regards, Mamta Jain 9811078105

  3. First of all congratualtions for all the respected memebrs who drafted this constitution. It is quite elaborate and have covered almost all aspects of the rules and regulation related to scoiety. However, I have some observations and are mentioned below

    Article b 2.2: Collaboration with international societies should also find mention. Also the type of collaboration and how to implement it should also find mention.

    The Article B4.2: It says the tenure of the elected members ends on 31st March. However, it is customary to declare the results of the election in Annual convention which is generally held in January but due to certain unavoidable reason is being held in Nov in 2021 and 2022. So in such scenario which decision making body will be in place during the period of April to November or say till January when the annual convention will be held.

    Article B4.4: It says the election process should end by 28th February. Then how can the election results will be declared in annual convention. Is there any significance of 28th February.

    Article B 4.5: It does not mention how the vacancy for the post of President will be filled up during the tenure of executive council. Even Article R 18.4 does not mention regarding the filling up vacancy of post of President in case situation arise.

    Article R 5.1: Honorary fellow should be nominated by the approval of Executive Council as it is a elected body rather than executive committee as mentioned in the draft.

    Article R 12.6: The role of technical directors should include finalization of sub themes and finalization of chair and co-chair for the technical session during Annual Convention of ISAE in consultation with Vic President Technical Council.

    Annexure III and IV: It may be removed as they are time bound and the constitution is permeant as long as amendments are made.

    Further, no mention is there in the constitution regarding dispute resolution in case there is difference in opinion on the interpretation of any clause by any members of the society.


    Prof B C Kusre, LM-9949

  4. The new constitution of our ISAE is towards clarity and transparency of every article. Now there is rare scope of deviation. This is as per the promise during election. I have following submission

    1. Page no. 8: Annual member: Need to re-think about giving voting rights.

    2. Page 13, R 9.2: Point 3. Need reconsideration.

    3. Page 28: Best JAE research paper award: Citation (either google, researchgate etc) within the year shall be included as the criteria. At least one year time should be given for each published paper of issue/volume.

    4. Page 37 and 38: Election: Full power to CEC. No interference of EC: Briefing of Election process to candidates.

    5. Members should also be given responsibility who have contributed with their articles for JAE and AET in past as author.

  5. 1. The tenure of the Executive Committee may be reduced to two years, to facilitate other interested esteemed members for new ideas and thoughts.
    2. For fund generation “Donation” may be given more importance in the constitution with clarity. For example: if some body donates a considerable amount, what would be his special privilege? In this case free travel, free accommodation for attending AGM/GBM, free registration fee etc may be considered depending upon the amount of donation.

  6. 1. I shall appreciate the efforts of Constitution Committee, President and other members for drafting an elaborated constitution of our Society.
    2. Following are suggested for corrections: (a) Sentence correction: R22.1 (line 3-4) – The amendment agenda shall first shall be submitted to the Secretary General,…
    (b) Executive Committee in place of Executive Council in sentence of Annexure-III: The names, designation and addresses of the Executive Council members to whom the management and affairs of the Society are entrusted and who had proposed the amendment to the Constitution are given below:

  7. Excellent draft and hearty Congratulations to president , ISAE.
    My personal comments on draft are
    1. Artical B4.2, and B4.4 need rethinking due to flexibility in organisationvof annual convetion.
    2. The honorary members should be nominated by President on approval of executive council rather than Executive committee.
    3. The elected members of council should get the appointment/nimination certificate from CEC with post name and tenure rather than only display the results.
    3. By large it is observed that, the elected directors at national level have equal right, power with that of nominated, honorary and chapter chairperson who may nominated or elected from 20-30 local members. This discrimination need to be address for betterment of society and also valued the elected member at nation level.

  8. Efforts of the constitution committee and President are praise worthy. As desired by the President, I am presenting below my few suggestions for consideration.
    C1.3:The society shall ……………from10.11.2022…..
    SUGGESTION : Any revision of constitution, Bye- Laws require to be adopted first by General Body .The last revised constitution was adopted by G.B on 17th January,2011.Accordingly please consider if it can be made applicable from 10.11.22 as proposed.
    C5.2:The ISAE shall appoint CEC for the conduct of elections………………
    SUGGESTION: Please add simultaneously in the declaration of results to the candidates, EC and on society’s website.
    C7.2: May be added after clause C7.1: The property documents will be kept in a bank locker to be jointly operated by S.G and TREASURER as and when required by Executive Committe.
    INTERNATIONAL CRITERIA: May add the following :
    Only one member may be considered based upon merit in one calendar year.

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