Privileges upon becoming ISAE Annual Member

i. Attend and vote in all AGM/ GBM.
ii. Introduce and second a candidate for any category of membership.
iii. Move resolutions for amendment of Constitution, Bye-laws and Rules.
iv. Receive soft copy of publication(s) of the Society (JAEI, AET, E-Newsletter) free of cost at reduced price as per procedure and rates in vogue.
v. Have access to the authorised contents of ISAE website and other facilities of the Society.
vi. Reduced registration fees for attending Conventions/ Symposia etc. organized by the Society.
vii. Entitled to use, after their name, the abbreviated designation as AMISAE.
viii. May apply free of cost for job opening on ISAE website.
ix. Enrichment of biodata mentioning membership for better job opportunity.
x. Updating knowledge through Society publications.
xi. May publish own thoughts and work in the Society periodicals.
xii. Apply for an award of the Society for recognition and enrichment of biodata.
xiii. Interested member may get consultancy/contract research work through Society.
xiv. Have a sense of belonging among fellow professionals.
xv. Issues of common interests can be raised through the Society.
xvi. Develop networking with learned members of ISAE Society.