Other Awards


Maximum: 7

The annual award (preferably one in each area of (a) Farm power and machinery, (b) Soil and water conservation engineering/ Irrigation and drainage engineering, (c) Agro-processing, food engineering, post-harvest technology, dairy/ meat/ fish processing, (d) Energy in agriculture, (e) IT and emerging technologies, (f) Industry, and (g) State Government services carries a certificate and a memento on the basis of application by a Life/Annual member, fulfilling the following criteria:
i. Annual/life member for 10 years in good standing,
ii. Significant professional contributions (supported with documentary evidence such as publication/ patent/ service at state/industry in any one of the following thematic areas:
(a) development of innovative technology (including ICT in agriculture) leading to largescale adoption,
(b) field application of technology leading to enhancing productivity of soil/water/energy/crop/livestock,
(c) industrial production, quality control, services to users (including training, demonstration, field service),
(d) introduction of new academic course curricula with design of content, introduction of innovative method of teaching/learning,
(e) efforts in establishment of industry/startup related to agricultural engineering contributing to job opportunities.
An application is required to be recommended by the concerned Head of organization/ Chapter Chairperson certifying the validity of claims made by the applicant.


Maximum: 7

The annual award (preferably one in each area of (a) Farm power and machinery, (b) Soil and water conservation engineering/ Irrigation and drainage engineering, (c) Energy in agriculture, (d) Agro-processing, food engineering, post-harvest technology, dairy/ meat/ fish processing (e) IT and Emerging technologies, (f) State Government services, (g) Contribution in industry by an individual.
The award carries a certificate, and is awarded to a Life/ Annual member based on submitted application and fulfilling the following criteria:
i. ISAE Annual/Life Member for 7 years in good standing and professional contribution (supported with documentary evidence) in any one of the following thematic areas:

  • development of innovative technology (including ICT in agriculture) leading to mass adoption,
  • field application of technology leading to enhanced productivity of soil/ water/ energy/ crop/ livestock,
  • enhanced industrial production, quality control, service to users (including training, demonstration, field service),
  • introduction of new academic course curricula with design of contents, introduction of innovative method of teaching/learning,
  • efforts in establishment of industry/start-up related to agricultural engineering, and providing job opportunities to agricultural engineers,
  • enrollment of 20 or more members of Society in a calendar year,
  • generating significant finances for the Society,
  • involved in organizing local/ regional/ national seminar under umbrella of the Society,
  • providing notable agricultural engineering services in a state under a Chapter of the Society,
  • promotion of agricultural engineering profession under political/bureaucratic system at state/ national/international level.
    An application is required to be recommended by the concerned Head of organization/Chapter Chairperson certifying the validity of claims made by the applicant.

Best JAEI Reviewer Award (Maximum: 4)

The annual award carries a certificate, and shall be presented during Annual Convention of the
Society. Editor-in-Chief, JAEI in consultation with editor of each division shall develop suitable
criteria, and recommend names of the best reviewers to the Committee appointed by the President/
Executive Committee, which shall make suitable recommendations for the award.

Best JAEI Research Paper Award (Maximum: 4)

The annual award carries a certificate, and shall be presented during Annual Convention of the
Society. A Committee appointed by the President/ Executive Committee shall examine the published
papers in the JAEI during the year of award, and make suitable recommendations to the Executive

ISAE Team Award (Maximum: 2)

The annual award carries a certificate conferred to each member of the team. The award is based
on applications made by member(s) of the Society. Applications are considered with the following
i. The award shall be given to a team that has worked on a certain research topic/extension
activities/educational/field projects for 4 years in the preceding years of the award.
ii. Team leader shall be a Life member/Annual member of good standing for 10 years,
iii. The Principal Investigator/Team leader of inter-disciplinary team should lead a team of at
least 3-4 multi-disciplinary members, including himself shall only be considered.
iv. Teamwork of not less than 4 years preceding the year of award (official documents need to be
v. Significant contributions of a team in research/teaching/extension/industry, or in field
application as evidenced from published literature/ innovative product/ patent/ technology
adoption level in any disciplines of agricultural engineering and allied fields leading to
enhanced productivity/ economic use of resources/ improving economics of agriculture and

Outstanding Book Award (1 Award):

The annual award carries a certificate, and shall be conferred to the author(s) during the Annual
Convention. The award is based on applications made by members of the Society. The following
criteria shall be applicable:
i. First author shall be ISAE Life member/Annual member of good standing for at least 3
previous years,
ii. A member can receive the award for maximum of 2 times in lifetime for 2 different books,
and irrespective of his/ her seniority in authorship,
iii. Original book (of at least 100 pages) authored on a topic related to agricultural engineering,
published by a leading publisher/organization (but not by the applicants’ organizations), and bear ISBN number. Textbook on current topics with mostly Indian contents authored or edited
by the applicant(s) shall only be considered for this award. A book in the form of Questionand-
Answer Bank, Guide for competitive examinations, Technical Report, compiled book
from seminars/symposia/conferences even with ISSN number shall not be eligible for
iv. The content would be evaluated based on
(a) importance of theme, originality, and quality of contents,
(b) organization of chapters, scientific editing, and language,
(c) a Foreword by a distinguished expert with views on the contents,
(d) meeting expectations of desired audience/ readers of book,
(e) extent of similarity with other published documents,
(f) impressive statistics of sale of the book proposed for the award.

Student Paper Award (Maximum: 5)

The annual award (one award in each of the discipline of (a) Farm Machinery and Power,
(b) Soil-Water Conservation/ Irrigation Engineering, (c) Post-harvest, Process and Food Engineering,
(d) Energy in agriculture, and (e) Application of IT and Emerging Technologies in agriculture
comprises of a Certificate and is conferred during an Annual Convention of the Society. An undergraduate
or post- graduate student who is a member of the Society in good standing and presents a
paper in a Technical Session during an Annual Convention of the Society is eligible for the award. The
award would be based on the following criteria:
i. Student papers presented in person by the author during an Annual Convention are judged by
a panel of jury, and the best presented paper recommended based on the content, quality, and
ii. the presenting author of a paper shall only be awarded with a certificate, even if the paper is
iii. full length paper (not exceeding 2,000 words) submitted to the concerned Director within the
prescribed time frame, and presented in person, shall qualify for the award.
R15.2.12. Best Research Paper Presentation Award (Maximum: 8)
The annual award (one for poster and one for oral presentation, in each of the discipline of (a)
Farm Machinery and Power, (b) Soil-water Conservation/Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, (c)
Post-harvest, Process and Food Engineering, (d) Energy in agriculture, comprises of a certificate
and shall be presented during an Annual Convention of the Society. The awards are governed by the
following criteria:
i. to be awarded to a faculty/researcher who is a member in good standing, and presents a paper
in person during technical sessions of a Convention of the Society,
ii. a panel of jury for each discipline shall recommend the best research paper presented during the discipline-wise Technical Session(s). The best oral / poster presentation shall be judged
based on (a) definition of problem, objectives and methodology, (b) data, analysis, and
interpretation of results, (c) practical utility of findings, and (d) presentation quality,
iii. full length paper (not exceeding 2,000 words) submitted to the concerned Director within the
prescribed time frame, and presented in person, shall qualify to complete for the award.

Best Chapter Award (1 award)

The annual award carries a certificate and ISAE memento, and is awarded during ISAE Annual
Convention based on application by the Chapters of the Society, considering the following criteria:
i. enrolment of maximum number of members and subscription collection by a Chapter during
the preceding financial year,
ii. quantum of activities of a Chapter during previous financial year of the Convention (as
organization of regional Convention/ Seminar/ Workshop/ Guest lecture/ webinar/ regular
meetings of CEB/other meetings) and regular submission of quarterly activity reports to the
Society Headquarter,
iii. maintenance of Annual accounts of a Chapter, and updated submission of certified Account
Statement to the Society Headquarter within stipulated time,
iv. no pending financial dues of a Chapter payable to the Society Headquarter on account of
savings arising out of organization of Annual Convention/Workshop/Conference, and/or any
other event under the banner of the Society,
v. mobilization of sponsorships and generation of funds for Chapter activities,
vi. liaison with industry and government department(s),
vii. recognition of contribution of a Chapter or its members by State/Central government, industry,
or NGO
viii. contribution of research papers to JAEI/AET by its members.

ISAE-TAFE Sivasailam Memorial Student Gold Medal Award (Maximum 2)

The annual award sponsored by M/S TAFE Ltd., Chennai, is for the best Master/ Ph.D. thesis. It
carries a gold medal, a certificate, and cash prize of 10,000/- for M.Tech. Thesis and
15,000/- for
Ph.D. Thesis holder. The award shall be conferred on application basis to maximum of two Life/Annual
members (with good standing of at least three years), one each for the best M. Tech. and Ph.D. Thesis/
Dissertation on which a degree in Agricultural Engineering (Farm Machinery and Power) had been
awarded during the preceding calendar year of presentation of the award. Procedures to be followed are
outlined below:
i. the candidates shall apply in prescribed form along with (a) an extended Abstract (not
exceeding 4 pages in Times New Roman, 11 font), and (b) a hard copy of the Thesis. Soft copy
of research paper(s) published/accepted for publication based on thesis/dissertation should
also be submitted. The application is required to be duly certified by the Dean/Head of the
College/Department from where the degree was obtained,

ii. each University / Institution awarding such degrees can recommend maximum of one
candidate each for M. Tech & Ph.D in a year;
iii. a Committee comprising of eminent professionals in the field of farm machinery & power
and a representative of M/S TAFE Ltd. constituted by the President in consultation with the
Executive Committee of the Society shall evaluate the proposals received, and recommend
suitable candidate(s) to the Executive Committee. The evaluation would be based on guidelines
prescribed by the Executive Committee. Hard copy of the awarded thesis shall be retained by
the Society while others will be returned to the applicants.